I attended the Canadian Positive Psychology’s 2012 conference this past weekend and was surprised to learn that it was the first conference about positive psychology in all of North America.

In the mean time, I want to highlight something I have in common with Dr. Martin Seligman, one of the most prominent researchers in the field of positive psychology – walking.

Dr. Seligman delivered a video message to the attendees of the CPPA conference about his upcoming projects on imagination and creativity. Jarred by He Who Sits the Most Dies the Soonest, a recent article in The Atlantic, which highlighted current studies about inactivity, it was my shared passion for walking left me thinking about Dr. Seligman.

My commitment to walking began just over a year ago, when I bought a pedometer.

Then, like Dr. Seligman, I became addicted to reaching that golden goal of 10,000 steps a day.

Four months later, I passed the 1,000,000 step mark. Think about that for a second – 1 million steps! I was just as surprised as you probably are.

The key was small, consistent choices.

Now that I’m finally up to my goal of 10,000 steps, word is that Dr. Seligman has upped his goal to 13,000 steps. His secret? A walking desk. Walking at a very slow pace on a specially designed desk attached to a treadmill, he is able to easily complete his goal. One. Step. At. A. Time.

What small steps will you make in your life to achieve your goals? Have any experience with walking or sitting desks? Please share your comments below.

Follow the Canadian Positive Psychology Association on Twitter @CdnPosPsych. Missed the conference? Check out the hashtag for all the tweets #CPPA2012. Read Authentic Impact’s coverage at #PosCORE.